The Complete Guide to Wound Care

developed especially for patients in north central Indiana, including Logansport, Rochester, Peru, Monticello, Winamac, and surrounding communities

Heal your wounds, don’t hide them

What’s in this guide—

Remember your life before that wound?

When you have a wound that isn’t healing as it should, advanced technology and the latest wound care therapies can help you get back to enjoying daily life.

Don’t put your life on hold and let a wound that has lingered for more than 30 days without healing keep you from doing the things that make you happy.

Learn more about the state-of-the-art treatment options available to you that can give back hope and enhance your healing.

Keep reading to get advice from wound care specialists on:

  • What can cause chronic wound
  • Who’s most at risk
  • What you can do to heal faster
  • Why consistency in treatment matters
Nurse wrapping wound with guaze

What Is a Chronic Wound?

Some cuts just never heal

One in four families has a member with a wound that won’t heal. That comes to more than 6.7 million Americans suffering from non-healing wounds. Unfortunately, despite becoming more common, chronic wounds are often insufficiently treated because they are poorly understood.

Causes of non-healing wounds

Medical professionals use the term chronic wounds to describe complex wounds or sores that don’t respond to conventional treatment protocols. These wounds fail to heal on their own, heal extremely slowly, or heal but keep recurring. They are also usually the result of one or more underlying conditions.

It’s not uncommon for patients who are immobile to have chronic wounds because they also tend to have poorly functioning veins and inadequate circulation. If you have a wound that isn’t healing, you deserve special treatment. If left unchecked, chronic wounds can develop into more painful and severe conditions that could even be life-threatening.

But, there is hope. If you suffer from any of these conditions or symptoms, a wound care center that specializes in the latest therapies for hard-to-heal wounds can help:

  • Venous ulcers (caused by weak blood circulation)
  • Pressure ulcers (more commonly known as bedsores)
  • Arterial ulcers (due to cardiovascular conditions like blocked arteries)
  • Osteoradionecrosis (side effect from radiation therapy)
  • Necrotizing infections (caused by a bacterial infection)
  • Surgical incisions and significant trauma injuries
  • Deep burns Gangrene
  • Soft-tissue radionecrosis
  • Failing grafts and flaps
  • Lower leg ulcers
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Wounds on lower legs or feet
  • Chronic refractory osteomyelitis
  • Any wound that hasn’t healed after 30 days

Take action! Getting specialized care (managed by trained physicians) is necessary to achieve wound closure, grow new blood vessels, support healthy tissue regeneration, fight infection, and more—all the things you need to happen to get back to the life you remember before your chronic wound.


Who is at risk?

Conditions that increase your risk for developing chronic wounds

Currently in the United States, millions of people have chronic wounds, and the number of people suffering continues to grow each year.

Are you at risk? While it’s possible that anyone may need treatment for a chronic wound at some point in their life, it’s people in the following groups that are especially susceptible to getting non-healing wounds:

  • People with diabetes
  • Cardiac patients
  • Amputees
  • Cancer survivors
  • People who have had radiation therapy
  • Seniors
  • Surgical patients
  • Veterans
  • Re-admitted hospital patients
  • People who are obese or overweight
Elderly woman getting wound diagnosed by doctor

Prevention and early intervention are crucial

Dealing with minor burns, sores, bruises, scrapes, and blisters are part of everyday life, but when you have a wound that is major and seems like it won’t go away on its own, take action.

7 factors that affect wound healing
Read the article »

If you put off getting the life-changing care you need and deserve for your non-healing wound, you put yourself at higher risk for infection, hospitalization, and, in the most severe instances, limb loss or death.

When to ask your primary care physician about visiting a wound care center:

  • You have a wound that hasn’t healed in 30 days (commonly experienced by people who have diabetes)
  • You have a sore with increasing pain, redness or swelling, foul odor, or change in color
  • You have a surgical wound that has become infected
Doctor wrapping wound on foot

How Are Chronic Wounds Treated?

For optimal healing, focus on consistency

Healing chronic wounds is a complex process, and all patients improve differently.

Most of the time, patients with a chronic wound are referred to a wound care center for specialized care by their primary care physician, but you often can make an appointment directly, too.

When you call for your first appointment, the wound care center representative will ask you a few questions about your wound—and health in general—to establish a baseline. Don’t forget to bring the following when you come in for your first appointment:

  • List of any medications you’re taking currently
  • List of your allergies
  • Your medical records (bring your x-rays if you can)
  • Insurance information

Before starting treatment, wound care center staff will do a thorough evaluation of your wound, complete a review of your health and medical history, determine if infection is present,and possibly run some tests to learn more about your blood flow and tissue oxygenation.

Then, together with your provider, you’ll develop a treatment plan based on your needs. Throughout your care, you’ll be in constant communication with wound care center staff. Once you’ve healed, you’ll go back to your primary care physician for follow-up care.

Learn more about the four phases of wound healing »

At a wound care center, your interdisciplinary, evidence-based treatment may include:

  • Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Debridement
  • Infectious disease management
  • Laboratory evaluation
  • Topical wound therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Growth-factor therapy
  • Tissue therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Pain management
  • Diabetes education
  • Dressing/bandage selection
  • Nutritional management and counseling
  • Special shoes

Throughout your healing process, expect to visit the wound care center on a regular basis for specialized care, customized instruction, and healing progress monitoring.

Couple walking outdoors with dog

Be proactive

What you do is the most important factor when it comes to your healing.

Many patients with chronic wounds ask what they can do to get back to normal more quickly. In addition to following your doctor’s advice, you can optimize your healing process by making additional lifestyle adjustments, such as:

  • Protect your wound: Keep it dressed to prevent further harm or infection.
  • Stop smoking or reduce as much possible: Nicotine decreases blood flow to your skin, which can slow recovery, so curbing your cigarette use is crucial.
  • Exercise regularly: Beginning a fitness routine? Try starting out by getting in physical activity most days of the week to increase your blood flow, which can speed up healing.
  • Eat healthy foods with more fiber and less fat and salt. Make sure your diet also includes ample nutrients that aid wound healing, like vitamin A, vitamin C, copper, and zinc.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: If you’re overweight or obese, it can hinder your blood flow, which slows down wound healing, so start taking small steps to slim down.
  • Avoid certain medicines: NSAIDs, like aspirin and ibuprofen, can delay healing.
  • Monitor your wound vigilantly: See your doctor immediately if you get a fever or notice bleeding, have increased pain, or see any pus or discharge.
  • Find ways to manage your stress: Stress can make your blood sugar levels rise, which can slow wound healing.

How Can Specialized Care Speed Up Wound Healing?

What patient-centric treatment looks like

When you get specialized care, skilled physicians use the latest treatments and technology available to heal your chronic wound.

The first step in treating a chronic wound is a comprehensive assessment to determine the type of wound a patient has and identify underlying problems that are preventing it from to healing.

During your initial visit, a chronic wound care specialist will also listen to your concerns, ask you questions about your overall health and treatment goals, and take the time to explain the benefits—and drawbacks—of available wound care options.

All of this information goes into preparing a personalized plan that maximizes healing around your needs (and the results of your evaluation).

Why Choose Logansport Memorial Hospital

Your improved quality of life is our goal at the best wound care center in north central Indiana

At the Logansport Memorial Wound Care Center, wound care is our specialty.

Through a partnership with Healogics, Inc.—the world’s leader in wound care for nearly 20 years—our Center’s wound care team is staffed by experienced experts with the essential know-how necessary to take care of all kinds of wounds, no matter their cause or where they’re located on your body.

Along the way during your treatment, if you have questions, our wound care specialists are here to provide answers to make sure you feel better-informed, whether you’re wondering which wound dressing bandages can help you heal the quickest or what options are available to reduce your pain.

Our commitment to you doesn’t end when you leave our office. Between appointments, we will partner with you to monitor your progress and provide the guidance you’ll need to get the best results.

Let our team help you get back to the life you love by recommending the right treatment at the right time.

Grandmother rolling out dough in kitchen

Start healing with specialized care, close to home

There’s no reason you have to live with a non-healing wound.

At the Logansport Memorial Wound Care Center, we heal nine out of ten patients with wounds that wouldn’t heal after 30 days. That’s 13.4 percent above the national average.

If you have a wound you’re hiding, get care from a place with proven success in healing them. There’s hope for healing chronic wounds. Turn to us to help you feel better.

The Logansport Memorial Wound Care Center serves Cass County and surrounding communities by offering high-quality wound care services in a supportive, compassionate, and patient-centered environment. Our specialized care is covered by most HMOs, Medicare/Medicaid, and other private insurance plans.

Take action

If you or someone you love is suffering, don’t wait to seek specialized wound care. We can help.

Call us at 574.753.1331 to schedule an evaluation.

Request an appointment

Be sure to download the additional resources within and print a copy of this guide to help you answer questions about wound care.