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A scientifically-based program for kick starting your weight loss

Tired of diet plans that don’t work or require a lot of calorie-counting, measuring, or cooking? All of this extra work can make losing weight feel like an impossible task.

Fortunately, Logansport Memorial Hospital offers an alternative. Our effective, non-surgical weight-loss program—Health Management Resources (HMR)—puts patients on the right path to achieving their goals and maintaining their progress.

If you’re ready to stop dieting (with little success) and put in the effort to improve your health, we can help. Keep reading to learn more about our personalized plan.

The best option for medically-supervised weight loss

What is the HMR weight-loss program?

HMR is a nationally-renowned plan that has been recognized by U.S. News and World Report for four consecutive years as the number one fast weight-loss program.

It is an intensive weight-loss and lifestyle change program designed to help people lose weight and build a healthier routine that they can stick with.

HMR includes a variety of dietary options appropriate for anyone wanting to lose 10–200 or more pounds. All variations of the program include individual coaching and ongoing maintenance support from our team of certified health coaches.

What are the key components of the HMR weight-loss program?

Mindful nutrition with meal replacements. The HMR program uses meal replacements with full meals, shakes, and nutrition bars that can be used in place of other meals and snacks.

Your customized plan will include a mix of meal replacements together with mindful eating of fruits and vegetables in conjunction with a plan for getting regular physical activity.

Medically-managed by a trained primary care provider. It’s hard to achieve lasting weight-loss without comprehensive support, which is a critical component of the HMR program.

Many patient journeys will begin in an appointment with a primary care provider, who has received special training to administer and help guide participants through this program. As someone who has gone through her own weight-loss journey, we has firsthand knowledge of what challenges you’ll face along the way.

Digital options included for added convenience. Get help on demand when you need it at any point during your journey by accessing online coaching and support resources via our convenient digital app.

Some of the meal replacement options for people who are on the HMR weight-loss program

How does the HMR weight-loss program work?

Lose weight quickly. With this program, you can take a break from making food decisions—about what to eat or how much to eat—and you’ll stay full with a nutritionally-complete HMR weight-loss meal replacements. Some plans include adding fruits and vegetables. 

Learn new skills. Use the principles of behavioral science to create new routines around healthier eating and getting daily physical activity.

Get coaching and support. Attend weekly classes and access digital resources for extra support and accountability.

Maintain your weight-loss: Learn how to transition to long-term healthy eating and reduce your reliance on HMR foods after you reach your weight-loss goal.

Why the HMR weight-loss program is more than just another diet

A diet may help you to lose weight, but it takes more than just a “diet” to change your lifestyle, and that’s why the HMR Program gets better results any other weight-loss program.

From the first day on the program, you’ll start learning the building blocks needed for maintaining a new, healthier lifestyle strategies that you need to be successful long-term.

  • You’ll learn simple ways to become more active and eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • You’ll learn techniques for making the right choices in every situation, including shopping for groceries, ordering in restaurants, and socializing.

All along the way, you’ll be coached and supported by a team of healthcare professionals, 100%-committed to your success.

How to get started

For over 30 years, the HMR weight-loss program has helped over a million people across the U.S. Logansport Memorial Hospital is proud to exclusively offer this nationally-renowned, leading weight-loss program right here at home for your health journey. 

If losing weight and improving your health is your goal, then the HMR program is the perfect way to start your weight-loss journey. Ready to start?

  • Want to learn more? Visit our website.
  • Interested in talking to a health coach or attending an informational session? Call Workforce Health at 574.725.3599.
  • Ready to make an appointment? Schedule a time to talk with our health care provider and medical supervisor Stacie Stutzman, NP.

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TOPICS: Health, Weight loss