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Patient testimonial: omnipod insulin delivery system + diabetes education

Learning to comfortably manage your diabetes can be a difficult path to navigate. While technology and healthcare advances every year, sometimes the way you manage your diabetes does not. Fortunately for Cheri Winegardner, she has found success in insulin intake and diabetes management using Omnipod.

cheri winegardner testimonial

Cheri has been a patient of Dr. Neumann for 28 years, and decided that she no longer wanted to be on insulin like she had in the past. With the help of Dr. Neumann and Diabetes Educator Jill Weese, she is now successfully using the Omnipod Insulin Delivery System. Instead of five shots a day, she is down to one — and her sugars have never been so good.

What is the Omnipod System?

The Omnipod System provides all the benefits of insulin pump therapy while providing more flexibility and freedom than traditional tubed pumps. According to Cheri, the system is pain-free and easy to use. 

“The system was set up for me, but it is so much easier to use than standard pumps.”

An easy to use system was not the only benefit of switching to Omnipod. The company itself is “wonderful” and has been accommodating during COVID-19.

“Omnipod called me several times during the lockdown from COVID-19 and checked on me to see how I was doing. They even sent me two free shipments for a mistake that ended up being my own. This system has saved me money on insulin. With the prices continuously rising — I couldn’t believe how affordable it was.”

Cheri loves the system, but loved the help she received from Logansport Memorial Hospital even more.

“When I called Dr. Neumann, I just said that I needed something different. He referred me to Diabetes Education with Jill Weese, and she made all the difference in getting me set up with this program. She was always available, and I felt comfortable contacting her with questions. If she didn’t know an answer, she went and found it for me — always making sure that I had all the information I needed.”

Diabetes care available right here at home

“I feel very fortunate that we have someone like Jill at Logansport Memorial Hospital. My first time meeting her was after the referral from Dr. Neumann, and she made it very clear that if I ever needed help or had questions, I could call her.”

Diabetes is a complex and personal disease. It requires daily self-management that can be different for everyone — including things like making healthy food choices, staying physically active, monitoring your blood sugar, and taking medications as prescribed.

Our Diabetes Support Services will help you learn how to manage your diabetes and our Diabetes Educator, Jill Weese, offers the personalized care needed so that you can thrive.

“My advice for anyone with diabetes — whether you’re looking to change your insulin system or not — is to give Jill a call. You can tell she is committed to helping you as soon as you meet her. And if you’re looking to switch to the Omnipod system, call her. She knew the company, knew the system, and just put me at ease. I trust her explicitly.”

Diabetes Education

Visit our website for access to our diabetes education resources. There you can also sign up for our diabetes newsletter for information on how to manage your diabetes and helpful advice. Have additional questions? Give our Diabetes Educator a call at (574) 753-1339 for help in managing your diabetes. 

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