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Patient testimonial: lymphedema therapy

Shirley’s Story

Lymphedema is the build-up of lymph fluid (protein-rich swelling) that occurs when the lymphatic system is not working properly. There is no cure for lymphedema, but it can be effectively treated. Fortunately for Shirley Moss, she was able to find the help she needed, close to home, at Logansport Memorial Hospital.

shirley moss testimonial

“It started with having trouble walking…my feet and ankles were swelling. I though maybe a water pill could help, but when it didn’t — I knew I needed something more. I called my primary care provider, Kelly Carden, and told her I was in pain, I was swollen, and I could hardly lift my legs. She ordered physical therapy, which eventually led me to Erica Heater.”

Lymphedema therapy with Erica Heater

Erica Heater, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, is a certified lymphedema therapist located in our Physical Therapy department right here at Logansport Memorial Hospital.

“Erica explained to me that when you have a cancerous tumor, they always remove the lymph node… and I had three taken out. She told me that’s what was causing the pain and swelling in my legs. I don’t think enough people know that — so I am glad I spoke up so I could find the help I needed.”

Finding the care you need consists of a team of providers focused on one goal — you. In Shirley’s case, it all started with Kelly Carden. She took the time to listen to Shirley, and referred her to physical therapy to see if they could help with the swelling. After meeting with Erica for lymphedema specifically, her journey to healing began.

“Within the very first week, I could feel a difference. And ever since then, I have gotten better and better.”

The care you need at Logansport Memorial Hospital

Care should be convenient, and at Logansport Memorial Hospital — we offer the services you need, close to home, for that reason.

“I started my care at Logansport Memorial Hospital because I live here, and this is where I’ve always gone. I started my cancer treatments here, see a family practitioner here, and it’s nice to have the convenience of being close to home. Just like in all my experiences, with the help of my provider — and local referrals — I was able to find the right people for the right care I needed. If there is any advice I can give, it’s to patronize our own hospital. The care is right here.”

Let us help you on your journey toward Building Better Health right here at Logansport Memorial Hospital.

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TOPICS: Patient Testimonials, Therapy