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Patient Testimonial – Eduardo Sanchez Castillo

At Logansport Memorial Hospital, we know how an unexpected injury or illness can impact your daily routine and quality of life. Ending up in the hospital can be scary and worrisome for patients and their families, and Eduardo Sanchez Castillo’s experience was no different. Luckily, he quickly learned that he was in good hands with Jennay Jones, NP and the rest of our skilled staff in the Wound Care Center. Thanks to the high-quality care of our Wound Care Center staff and advanced treatment methods like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Eduardo was able to get back on his feet and regain his independence.

Eduardo’s story

Eduardo Sanchez Castillo, a construction worker, is on his feet all day doing manual labor. He also has Diabetes. So when he noticed that he had three infected wounds on his foot, it was crucial that he healed as quickly as possible.

“I had gone to Mexico for a few days. When I came back, I worked for three days and was okay, but by Monday at noon, I had noticed that my foot was really, really swollen and red…and even purple! I showed my supervisor who is also diabetic, and he told me to go straight to the hospital and they sent me to the Wound Care Center. My foot was bad. Really, really bad. It was hard to even walk on it.

When I came into the Wound Care Center, my blood sugar was also really high and the staff helped me to get it under control. In the beginning, I was really scared.”

One of Eduardo’s relatives had just experienced a similar issue with wounds on his foot. Unfortunately, his outcome had ended with amputation. Knowing this, Eduardo worried that he may also lose his leg.

“The [Wound Care Center staff] really helped me out and made me feel comfortable. Jennay Jones, NP, told me she was going to help me out and explained my treatment plan. She told me ‘you have to do this [Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment] for thirty days without missing any days.’ She helped me get my blood sugar to a healthy level, too.

Almost two months later and thirty treatments of HBO and IV antibiotics, I’m really happy! I’m really excited that I didn’t lose my foot like my relative. I knew from his experience that it was important to follow the directions from the doctor. It was a really emotional experience when we first talked about it, because I kept my foot and he didn’t, but he was really happy for me.”

Eduardo owes his swift recovery to his spiritual faith and support from his friends and family, and of course, the staff at the Wound Center. His consistency and diligence in his treatments also played a key role in his quick healing process. Thirty days of HBO treatment and IV antibiotics can be overwhelming, but Eduardo advises patients to “follow the doctor’s orders, be consistent with your treatment, and most of all, be patient! It’s for your own good. Take baby steps in recovery. For example, I would go to the park and walk for five minutes, take a break for a few minutes, and then walk another five minutes until I built up my stamina again. Just take it slow.”

Healing chronic wounds at Logansport Memorial’s Wound Care Center

The Logansport Memorial Wound Care Center provides specialized treatment, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for chronic or non-healing wounds, right here at home.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) increases the amount of oxygen to wounds, allowing them to heal from the inside. This non-invasive procedure involves patients lying in a large, transparent acrylic chamber as they are surrounded by 100 percent oxygen at an increased atmospheric pressure, similar to that of an airplane. This helps the body absorb oxygen to increase the rate of healing.

TOPICS: Wound care