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is it time to consider hospice

When a cure is not possible for people with a life-limiting illness, hospice care may be the best option. While rarely an easy decision, placing a loved-one in hospice care is often a relief for everyone involved. Hospice care helps families improve the quality of life of their loved one and focus on spending precious time together.


Logansport Memorial Hospital provides inpatient care to help patients and their loved ones through the end of life with dignity and hope.

When is it time to consider hospice

When the patient is expected to live less than six months, it is time to consider hospice. Sometimes people think they should wait until the final weeks of someone’s life for hospice care. However, bringing hospice in sooner can stop needless suffering, make the patient more comfortable, and give the family the support they need during this time.


Hospice helps the family too

Coming to terms with the impending death of a loved one is a difficult time. Hospice professionals are trained to help families come to terms with death with compassion and love. Hospice lets families spend quality time together. it also helps caregivers focus on that time rather than on all the needs of being the primary caretaker.

How Logansport Memorial Hospital can help

As your community hospital, we are here to meet you healthcare needs. We can accommodate our patients needing hospice care at our facility,but we plan to do so on an individual basis with input from patients and families. Our goal is always to provide patient-centered care for every patient we serve, and we will work to provide you with high-quality care that meets your needs in any stage of life. 

TOPICS: Health