Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen chambers for chronic wound care

Logansport Memorial Hospital's two hyperbaric oxygen chambers, which are used to treat patients with chronic wounds

This article is part of the Complete Guide to Wound Care. Everyone has had minor cuts and scrapes that they can take care of at home with a Band-Aid or two, but sometimes people get larger, more severe injuries on their body that linger. These are often deep, open wounds that seem to stop healing […]

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What to know about diabetes and wound healing

An estimated 30.3 million people in the United States (9.4 percent of the population) have diabetes, including 7.2 million who are unaware they are living with the disease. The percentage of adults with diabetes increases with age, reaching a high of 25.2 percent among those aged 65 years or older. In addition to age, risk […]

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Restarting wound healing

Healing chronic and stubborn wounds can be a lengthy process. There are many reasons why your wound might stop healing. Don’t let a stalled wound stall your treatment plan. The best way to continue healing is to talk with your physician about how you can properly restart your wound healing process.

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Diabetic skin care: Dealing with cuts and scratches

A person with diabetes with a minor cut on his knee

This article is part of the Complete Guide to Wound Care. Getting random cuts, grazes, bumps, scrapes, and scratches now and then is just part of being alive. These types of tiny injuries to your skin are considered minor wounds. Minor wound healing is a complicated process, and when you have diabetes it’s even more […]

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