Common questions about mammograms

Mammograms are an important part of women’s health care and yet they are also one of the most misunderstood. Unfortunate, many women skip this screening tool because they don’t understand its importance. Some women don’t schedule a mammogram out of fear. Others because they don’t think it is important of they aren’t in the breast […]

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Five questions every woman should ask her doctor


The annual check-up is an important part of everyone’s health. It’s the chance for you and your doctor to be proactive and can often catch health issues before they become big problems. Many people – women in particular – feel they are too busy to take the time for an annual exam. Women are often […]

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What women need to know about asthma


Asthma is a condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow, and swollen making it hard to breath. It’s a very common disease that affects people of all ages. Asthma is sometimes caused by allergies. It sometimes starts in childhood, but adult-onset asthma is also common. Women who suffer from asthma have some particular challenges […]

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