Congratulations you’re pregnant! Now what?

mom-to-be with her daughter and husband

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy. Discovering you’re pregnant brings a lot of emotions ranging from excitement to worry. Whether your pregnancy is planned or unplanned, it is important to know that the best thing you can do is take charge of your health and the health of your baby.

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How to know when it’s time for a pap test


Preventative health care can help you avoid serious illness and stay healthy for years to come. Routine checkups and screening tests are an important part of preventative health care and help your doctor manage your overall health. A vital screening test for women is the cervical screening test – commonly known as the Pap test.

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Breast care close to home


Breast health is an important part of a woman’s overall health and well-being. Regular breast exams should be a part of annual check-ups at all ages. Changes in the breast – discharge, lumps, skin appearance – are also worthy of medical attention. When you need breast health care, look no further than Logansport Memorial Hospital.

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The importance of screening mammograms


There’s no doubt about it, mammograms are one of the best tools available to find breast cancer in its early stages. And early detection of breast cancer dramatically increases survival rates. Yet too many women do not understand when to start getting mammograms, how often to have them or think a mammogram is something that […]

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Six tips to manage menopause

Menopause. It’s a word that many women dread because of the horror stories of hot flashes and mood swings. Throughout menopause hormone levels fluctuate often and that’s what causes the symptoms so many women recognize: hot flashes, mood swings, trouble sleeping, bone loss and more. As estrogen levels drop, the risk of heart disease, high […]

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