How to eat the right foods to fuel your body

woman chops vegetables to fuel her body

A fresh-picked apple, a side of apple sauce, a mug of hot apple cider, a bowl of Applejacks, and a slice of apple pie—each of these foods might appeal to an apple-lover, but some are healthier foods for fueling your body than others. Eating right can be challenging, especially when you lead a busy life. […]

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The benefits of weight-loss coaching

Woman eats a healthy lunch while chatting online with her weight-loss coach

How amazing would it be if, on day one of a new weight-loss program, you lost all cravings for junk food? The reality is that while losing weight—and after!—there will always be temptations. Weight-loss coaches can help you navigate those challenges when the struggle is real. Whatever your motivation is for losing weight, the process […]

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Outsmart food traps to maintain your healthy diet

It takes dedication to stick to most weight-loss plans or keep up with eating a healthy diet, especially when surrounded by food traps during family gatherings and holiday celebrations. Flamboyant former fitness instructor Richard Simmons once said that you are the only person responsible for what is on your fork and what it puts in […]

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5 ways to add more fruits and veggies to your diet

Food prep, like washing your fruits and veggies, makes it easier to eat healthier

“I will apply dietetic and lifestyle measures to help the sick to my best ability and judgment; I will protect them from harm and injustice.” This wordy oath by Hippocrates, the famous Greek founder of western medicine, is what some scholars say is the original version of the more spirited, modern translation of maxim many […]

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Tips for preparing for surgery if you’re overweight

Being overweight is a health issue can affect your day-to-day general health, but it’s a condition that can make surgery significantly more challenging. Additionally, carrying extra pounds will also increase your chance of surgical complications, including forming dangerous blood clots and developing postoperative infections. For an easier surgery and recovery, Logansport Memorial Hospital offers a […]

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