How exercise can speed healing after surgery

Exercise is an important part of everyone’s day-to-day life, but it can also play a critical role in preparing for and healing from surgery. If you are getting ready to undergo an orthopedic surgery or have just made it through the first few days of post-op from an orthopedic surgery, it’s time to start thinking […]

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Boost your balance and reduce dizziness with vestibular rehabilitation

In a lot of cases, spinning is a good thing. The Earth, hula hoops, microwaves, washing machines, car tires, fan blades, Ferris wheels, and clock gears—all  of these go round and round and round. But, your head? If it’s spinning, that’s the last thing you want. Living with the unsteadiness and lightheadedness caused by vertigo […]

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Patient testimonial: lymphedema therapy

Shirley’s Story Lymphedema is the build-up of lymph fluid (protein-rich swelling) that occurs when the lymphatic system is not working properly. There is no cure for lymphedema, but it can be effectively treated. Fortunately for Shirley Moss, she was able to find the help she needed, close to home, at Logansport Memorial Hospital.

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