Benefits of cardiac rehab

If you have had a heart attack or experience some other heart condition or issue, cardiac rehabilitation can be beneficial to you. Cardiac rehab focuses on building heart-healthy habits while also reducing the risk of another attack.

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Patient testimonial: Patrick Rentschler

Rehabilitation after a cardiac incident is an important part of the healing process. A cardiac rehabilitation program can help patients regain strength and stamina, while improving overall heart health. For Patrick Rentschler, the Cardiac Rehab Program at Logansport Memorial Hospital made all the difference in his recovery.

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Advancing our cardiac and pulmonary rehab care

At Logansport Memorial Hospital, we are always striving to provide the best, and most up-to-date, care for our patients, in all aspects of their visit. Updating technology and care systems plays a big role in providing that high standard of care. Our most recent improvement in our cardiac and pulmonary rehab department is a new […]

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What you can do to prevent falls

Prevent your next stumble by getting a better understanding of the risks that contribute to falling

Falls are the leading cause of injury—and accidental death—in adults age 65 and older. The good news is that, in most cases, falls are preventable. By understanding and avoiding the risks that contribute to falling, while also working on strengthening exercises with an occupational therapist, you can take the necessary steps to prevent injuring yourself […]

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