What to do when joint pain becomes chronic

shoulder pain

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Knee Replacement from Logansport Memorial Hospital. There are many different causes of joint pain—arthritis, injury, disease (such as gout), and more. It’s no wonder that joint pain is often a complaint for adults of all ages. Common painful joints tend to be large ones like the […]

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Common types of chronic pain

People often hold back from seeing a doctor about chronic pain because it can be hard to describe or tie to a specific cause. But if you’re experiencing pain on a regular basis, you should not suffer alone. If not controlled, chronic pain can grow and lead to additional physical and mental problems such as […]

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Are you a woman suffering from chronic pain


Chronic pain may arise from an injury, an illness or have no clear cause. Migraines, pelvic pain, abdominal pain…. all have shown to be more common in women than men. Chronic pain from these sources and others disrupts the quality of life of women throughout Logansport and North Central Indiana. Seeking relief can feel like […]

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