How do you know when you need an osteoporosis screening


Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become weak and brittle. There are no symptoms or signs of osteoporosis and many people do not realize they have it until a bone breaks. However, if diagnosed early, the progression of osteoporosis can be slowed dramatically. As with many screening tests, osteoporosis screening can make a positive […]

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How do you know when it’s time for a hip replacement


This article is part of the Essential Guide to Hip Pain Relief. Your hip hurts when you get our of the chair. Walking for any length of time causes pain in your hip. It is difficult to put on and tie your shoes because your hip is painful and inflexible. You are not alone! Hip […]

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Four tips to keep your joints healthy


Sitting, standing, walking, turning your head, shaking your hips, playing the piano… all of these movements are made possible thanks to our joints. Those hips, knees, ankles, shoulders etc. all work hard every day. It makes sense that over time those joints wear down a bit. The cushioning between joints thins and bones start to […]

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Are there links between diabetes and joint pain?


If you have diabetes you are at risk for a variety of complications. Could your chronic joint pain or arthritis be one of those complications? At first glance, these are seemingly unrelated issues. However, there are some links. If you have diabetes and/or suffer from chronic joint pain, you need to understand those connections for […]

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