Common sports injuries for teens

soccer player with knee injury

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 2.6 million children 0 to 19 years old are treated in the emergency department each year for sports and recreation-related injuries. If not treated properly, these injuries can affect growth and development. They can also lead to issues that linger into adulthood such as […]

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Common bone & joint issues for diabetics


Diabetics often experience long-term joint damage known as diabetic arthropathy. Unlike pain caused by immediate trauma, the pain of arthropathy happens over time and is most noticeable in the hands and feet. If you have diabetes and notice changes such as thick skin and joint stiffness or pain, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

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4 tips for a strong recovery from orthopedic surgery

Knee therapy

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Knee Replacement from Logansport Memorial Hospital. A nagging shoulder injury is limiting your ability to use your arm normally. You need your hip replaced because of arthritis. You tore your ACL in a skiing injury. Whatever the reason, you needed orthopedic surgery and now you’re facing a recovery […]

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Three common orthopedic issues for the elderly


Common signs of aging include gray hair and wrinkled skin but there are also signs that we can’t see. As we age, our bones and joints age too and many people experience some form of orthopedic disorders as they age. Those aches and “creaking” bones can be symptoms of an issue that may benefit from […]

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Orthopedic issues in men vs women


It’s no secret that men and women are different in many ways. Here’s another item to add to the list: orthopedic issues. Everyone is susceptible to bone or joint problems during their lifetime, but some injuries are more common in men than in women. Musculoskeletal disorders also show themselves differently in males versus females. Recognition […]

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