Which exercises keep your joints healthy?

Yoga is one of the best exercises for healthy joints

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Knee Replacement from Logansport Memorial Hospital. Snap. Crackle. Pop. Unfortunately, for some people, those three simple words bring to mind their noisy joints and not the famous breakfast cereal. The good news is that there are lots of different ways of being active that you can […]

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Anterior approach hip replacement: What to expect

Seniors walking without pain after hip replacement surgery

This article is part of the Essential Guide to Hip Pain Relief. Most of the time, hip pain and stiffness starts as a minor nuisance then—as time passes—worsens and begins to inhibit you from doing ordinary, day-to-day things pain-free as your hip joint deteriorates. Making the decision to go ahead with hip replacement surgery to […]

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Tips for exercising when you have joint pain

Swimming is a great low-impact form of exercise that supports joint health

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Knee Replacement from Logansport Memorial Hospital. Back in 1687, Sir Isaac Newton proposed the law of inertia: “A body at rest tends to remain at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.” Though Newton was talking about physics, his explanation also applies to […]

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Tips for preparing for surgery if you’re overweight

Being overweight is a health issue can affect your day-to-day general health, but it’s a condition that can make surgery significantly more challenging. Additionally, carrying extra pounds will also increase your chance of surgical complications, including forming dangerous blood clots and developing postoperative infections. For an easier surgery and recovery, Logansport Memorial Hospital offers a […]

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Signs your back pain is related to your joints

The causes of back pain aren’t always obvious. Some patients experience back pain as the result of issues in their knees or hips. It can be easy to assume your pain is from your back alone, but with the help of an orthopedic surgeon and physical therapists, you can locate the source of your pain […]

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