Patient testimonial: Pamela Schubach

Outside of routine visits and yearly check-ups, you don’t find yourself thinking about what services you can find at your local hospital and when you might need them. For most individuals, a hospital visit is few and far between. That’s the nice thing about hospitals — they are there for you when you need them, […]

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Taking care of your new hip: restrictions after hip replacement

Nurse speaks to a patient with restrictions after hip replacement surgery

This article is part of the Essential Guide to Hip Pain Relief. If you’ve been dealing with hip pain that makes it hard to do simple activities—like getting in and out of your car or bending down to pet your dog—you may finally be ready for joint surgery but wondering about restrictions after hip replacement. […]

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Weighing the pros and cons of double knee replacement surgery

Man holds his knee after having had double knee replacement surgery

When you’re suffering from chronic pain in both knees, getting around to do everyday activities like going to the store or walking your dog can feel unbearable. For many knee pain sufferers, knee replacement provides the relief they need to get back to their everyday life without constant pain. When you’ve decided on knee replacement […]

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Hip surgery FAQ: Why pick the anterior approach

x-ray of an artificial joint implanted using the anterior approach to hip surgery

This article is part of the Essential Guide to Hip Pain Relief. If you are in good health yet have had hip pain and limited mobility that has not gone away after non-operative treatments, your surgeon may recommend hip surgery using the anterior approach. But, what is the anterior approach to surgical hip replacement? The […]

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How to spot a potential injury

Whether you’re a multi-sport athlete or a weekend warrior, injuries can happen to anyone — and often times, with no warning. For some injuries, like sprains and strains, you can recognize and acknowledge some warning signs that you have injured or are continuing to injure yourself, which can help you to limit your activity to […]

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