Postpartum depression FAQs

mother experiencing postpartum

Babies require a lot of care, so it’s common to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Baby blues tend to subside after a week or two, but if you can’t shake the feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious, and are experiencing severe sadness, you might be suffering from postpartum depression.

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Entrepreneurship students give back to their community

students group photo

When Matt Lange and his entrepreneurship students set a goal to give back to their community, Logansport Memorial was honored to be the recipient of their kindness. These students from the Century Career Center raised funds to put together gift baskets with essential baby items that will be donated to families delivering at Logansport Memorial’s […]

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Patient testimonial: Sabrina Aspinwall

At Logansport Memorial Hospital, we know there is no moment quite like bringing a new baby into the world. And we also know just how important it is to make sure that moment is comfortable and safe for mom and baby. Our highly-trained staff provides individualized care and nurturing throughout labor and delivery to make […]

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ABC’s of safe sleep

There is an endless amount of education and tips given to families that are getting ready to welcome a new baby. From prenatal appointments to postpartum handouts, there is an abundance of information available on how to keep you and your baby safe. Out of these tips and lessons, the most important thing you need […]

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