Travel vaccines and how to plan a healthy vacation

calendar used to plan travel vaccines for a healthy vacation

Most trips start with the fun stuff: daydreaming about where to go, where to stay, and what to see. That early planning usually doesn’t usually include finding out if your destination has a measles outbreak or not—but if you’re leaving the country, that sort of thing should be on your radar. Certain rare diseases, like […]

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Diagnostic imaging exams explained

Doctor using ipad to look at medical imaging exam results

Ever wonder why your doctor recommended that you see a radiologist to get a diagnostic imaging exam? Providers order these procedures whenever they want to understand better what is happening inside a patient’s body—without doing surgery. If your physician thinks that you might have a specific condition, disease, or injury, sometimes they can use your […]

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How to eat the right foods to fuel your body

woman chops vegetables to fuel her body

A fresh-picked apple, a side of apple sauce, a mug of hot apple cider, a bowl of Applejacks, and a slice of apple pie—each of these foods might appeal to an apple-lover, but some are healthier foods for fueling your body than others. Eating right can be challenging, especially when you lead a busy life. […]

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Easy ways to improve your health

Older couple exercises outside in the snow

As we enter the holiday season, it’s easy to come up with reasons to put off thinking about your health. The hustle and bustle might be distracting, but focusing on how you can improve your health is the best gift you can give yourself—at Christmas or any other time of the year. Today is a […]

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