How probiotics affect gut health (and how much you need in your diet)

probiotics in yogurt with live cultures

When it comes to bacteria you hear a lot about disease-causing germs, but some types—like probiotics—are thought to offer health benefits. Given all of the recent hype around probiotics, you might be wondering: “Should I be eating more of them?” Unfortunately, probiotics are still being studied so the answer isn’t black and white—yet. Read on […]

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What to expect during an endoscopy procedure

patient touches her chest while recovering from upper endoscopic procedure

What is an endoscopy? In the most simple terms, an endoscopy is a test that helps your doctor learn more about what’s going on inside your body. An upper endoscopy specifically is a highly-accurate, nonsurgical procedure used to investigate problems related to your digestive health that is used to identify the presence of polyps, cancerous […]

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When do you need to get a colonoscopy?

Regular screenings, like colonoscopies, are key in preventing many colorectal cancers. Screenings can find diseases in people who show no symptoms, and may not even think they are sick at all. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women, and having a colonoscopy is your best form of prevention.

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What is leaky gut syndrome?

leaky gut syndrome often afflicts people with other chronic illnesses

Migraines, an irritable bowel, eczema, chronic fatigue, food allergies, joint pain, and uncomfortable digestive issues are all common signs that your body might be battling what some refer to as “leaky gut syndrome.” When it comes to diagnosing conditions that affect gut health, leaky gut syndrome is a relatively new expression used by some in […]

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