FAQ: Self-care for cancer patients

a cancer patient spends time with a friend

Undergoing treatment for cancer isn’t easy. Making sure to take care of yourself while getting chemo is one way to feel better and stay strong. And, when it comes to self-care for cancer patients, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Experts with experience helping people cope during their cancer journeys have many different recommendations for what […]

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Cervical cancer: warning signs & essential screenings

young woman looking at HPV test results with her gynecologist

Pre-cancer and cervical cancer warning signs are always easiest to treat when spotted early before they’ve had a chance to spread and grow. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2021, around 15,000 women in the United States were diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer, and some of those cases are tied to human papillomavirus, also […]

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Coping with cancer: healing and mental health

A grandma copes with her cancer treatment with support from her grandchild

This article is part of the Complete Guide to Cancer Care. Worried, anxious, sad, afraid … it’s normal to experience all kinds of feelings during your cancer journey. From diagnosis and treatment to remission and survival, every step of the battle can feel like you’re on a rollercoaster of emotions. Cancer doesn’t just attack your […]

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How a cancer diagnosis will impact your life

Smiling cancer patient

This article is part of the Complete Guide to Cancer Care. For most patients, a cancer diagnosis comes out of the blue. Not having any warning means that most people—understandably—have many questions about what comes next. After you have taken the time to learn more about what type of cancer you have and whether it’s […]

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