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What you need to know about the aquablation procedure for treating BPH

man talks about the benefits of the aquablation procedure with his urologistWe have great news for patients suffering from an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH). Logansport Memorial Hospital now offers the Aquablation procedure as a treatment option.

This effective and minimally-invasive therapy uses a heat-free water jet—delivered with robotic precision—to improve overall urinary function in men with BPH who want to get back to normal life … being themselves and being free again to do the things they used to do without compromising confidence and lifestyle.

Keep reading to get answers to some of the most common questions patients ask about  Aquablation therapy.

12 FAQs about the Aquablation procedure

Have you noticed you’re going to the bathroom frequently? Is your urine flow weak? Do you have trouble stopping and starting urination? 

Suppose you’ve seen a urologist about these symptoms and been diagnosed with BPH. In that case, you might wonder if traditional treatments are your only option for relief or if the newly available Aquablation procedure might be a better choice.

Learn the basics to make an informed decision with your urologist about Aquablation therapy. Check out the following answers to common questions about Aquablation provided by our experienced urology team.

1. How does the Aquablation procedure work?

A urologist uses a device called the AquaBeam System (which features a thin and flexible probe) to access your prostate, Then, water is precisely directed at your excess prostate tissue to remove it. The entire procedure is relatively fast and often takes 60–90 minutes.

2. How invasive is Aquablation therapy?

Aquablation therapy is considered a minimally-invasive and state-of-the-art technique because a specialist uses only water to remove excess prostate tissue.

3. Do I have to go under?

Yes, any Aquablation procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, which is done so that you won’t feel any pain.

4. Do I have to stay in the hospital for a long time?

Good news! No, you don’t. Having prostate Aquablation therapy requires a hospital stay of a day or less.

5. How long before I get back to normal?

Generally speaking, most Aquablation patients can return to their normal activities within a week or two. As with any medical procedure, however, recovery times can vary from patient to patient.

Learn the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer

6. What are some of the side effects I can expect while I recover?

After the procedure, you may experience discomfort and a need to urinate frequently for a few days. Your urologist will prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort from having Aquablation. They may also provide specific guidelines you’ll need to follow during your recovery, such as avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activity for a certain period of time to prevent injury.

7. How will the Aquablation procedure affect my sexual function?

Sexual function is usually not affected by Aquablation therapy; however, as with any prostate surgery, there is a risk of temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation (ejaculation into the bladder), and loss of sexual desire. 

During a consultation, your urologist will discuss this and other risks and benefits of having an Aquablation procedure.

8. How often will I need to follow up with my urologist after my Aquablation procedure?

How often a patient needs to see their urologist after having Aquablation varies. Most of the time, patients can expect to have a check-up with their urologist within a week or two to monitor healing and then go in again at six weeks and three months.

9. How does Aquablation compare to other enlarged prostate treatments?

Comparatively, though, the recovery time after Aquablation therapy is generally shorter than the time it takes to get back to normal after traditional surgical options for treating an enlarged prostate, such as an open prostatectomy or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Plus, the Aquablation procedure has a lower complication rate than those procedures.

10. Who’s a good candidate for Aquablation therapy?

The Aquablation procedure is usually not recommended for men who have had previous prostate surgery, have a large prostate (>80–100g), have certain medical conditions such as severe bleeding disorders or severe heart disease, or have active urinary tract infections.

Some examples of factors your urologist will consider before recommending Aquablation therapy include the following: 

  • overall health
  • prostate size
  • the severity of symptoms

Be sure to have an open conversation with your urologist to determine whether Aquablation is the right treatment option for you.

11. What are the chances of my prostate problem returning after Aquablation therapy?

As with any enlarged prostate treatment, there is a small risk that your symptoms may return over time after you undergo an Aquablation procedure.

12. What are some things that patients have said after having the Aquablation procedure?

“Aquablation therapy was the surgery that fixed me. I knew right away that it was working.”
—Chris D.

“Getting rid of catheters and medication once and for all is a total game changer for me.”
—John D.

“My aquablation procedure was on a Monday. That Tuesday, I was on my feet and gingerly walking about, taking things a little bit easy. And then, on Wednesday, I was actually back at work. I had no side effects. I was very happy with the procedure.”
—Paolo F.


Treating BPH with aquablation

At Logansport Memorial Hospital, our board-certified urologist, Dr. Stephen Beck, handles diagnosis and treatment option planning, including the aquablation procedure, for men suffering from symptoms associated with BPH.

As with any medical care plan, you should always make an informed decision based on what your research has found. And one of the best ways to be involved in your care plan is to be educated.

“When patients leave my office, they will know exactly what they have. I encourage them to talk to their friends, coworkers, and family about it and to ask advice on what worked for them,” says Dr. Beck. “On top of that, they should do some research on their own. Having a complete understanding of your diagnosis helps you play an active role in your treatment.”

Get to know Dr. Beck

Learn more about Aquablation therapy

TOPICS: Urology