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Entrepreneurship students give back to their community

When Matt Lange and his entrepreneurship students set a goal to give back to their community, Logansport Memorial was honored to be the recipient of their kindness. These students from the Century Career Center raised funds to put together gift baskets with essential baby items that will be donated to families delivering at Logansport Memorial’s Family Birth Center.

students group photo

Students (and teacher – Matt Lange) from the Century Career Center’s entrepreneurship class with the diaper bags they put together to donate to the Logansport Memorial Family Birth Center.

“We talked about how not all entrepreneurs set out just to make money. Things can start and grow from wanting to address and solve an identified problem,” said Matt Lange. “We brainstormed and voted as a group about what kinds of things we could help with, and talked about how whatever we started had the potential to succeed or fail, just like a startup business. These kids have shown determination and creative thinking to see this project through to completion and to great success. I am very proud of them.”

“It’s really exciting to see what kids can do when they work together on a community need like this,” comments Perry Gay, President and CEO of Logansport Memorial Hospital. “When the students were planning this project and making their pitch, it was clear that they were enthusiastic and passionate about being able to give back in this way. We are grateful for their generosity and hope that they will continue looking for ways to partner with community organizations as they pursue other educational endeavors during and beyond their high school careers.”

“We are so thankful for these gifts to single parent families that we serve,” echoed Jade Herr, RN, Director of Obstetrics in Logansport Memorial’s Family Birth Center. “Raising funds and providing resources for some of our tiniest patients and their families is not only thoughtful, but also very innovative for high school students. I am confident that the families who receive these baskets will also be very grateful for this generosity.”

Families who receive these gift baskets will be part of Logansport Memorial’s Connect 2 Care Program, a grant-funded initiative that helps pregnant women have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Babies born to mothers in the program are followed and supported by LMH OB nurse navigators through their first year of life. OB nurse navigator Angie Soupley makes home visits and builds relationships with these families to make sure their new baby is growing well, and that they have the resources they need. These baskets will be an extra gift of support for new families who become part of the Connect 2 Care Program over the next few months.


Over 30 diaper bags were stuffed with diapers, shampoo, lotion, pacifiers, clothing, and more.