Social Media User Agreement

Logansport Memorial Hospital participates on the Internet with both internal and public web pages. This does include social networking sites, where users may view content and/or videos and utilize the opportunity to post comments about Logansport Memorial Hospital.

By choosing to interact with us in any of these online outlets, you agree to follow and uphold these guidelines for your interaction.

Guidelines for Use

  • We welcome your participation on our social media pages but ask that you respect others who participate here.
  • Please keep your comments and posts relevant and respectful.
  • These pages are public forums. You are responsible for the content that you post there. Please keep this in mind and do not post any sensitive or personal information.
  • Employees of Logansport Memorial Hospital are expected to adhere to this same agreement when interacting on social media, while also in compliance with Policy #1043 “Responsible Use of Internet, Email, and Social Media.”

Our Policy

  • We appreciate your feedback in all forms and do take it into consideration. If you wish to further discuss specific questions or concerns, you may email at any time.
  • Logansport Memorial Hospital reserves the right to remove, delete, block, filter, or restrict any comments, posts, or information at any time, without any reason and at its sole discretion. 
  • Nothing posted here by Logansport Memorial Hospital is intended as medical advice. The information posted here should not take the place of professional clinical expertise.
  • Logansport Memorial Hospital does not endorse any third-party links that appear on this site. Similarly, comments posted do not represent the opinions of Logansport Memorial Hospital.